Career Profile

Currently I am pursuing my PhD in Theoretical Computer Science under the guidance of Dr. Amaldev Manuel in the School of Mathematics and Computer Science at Indian Institute of Technology, Goa.

Research Interests:
Automata • Logic • Transducers • Combinatorics on words •


PhD Scholar

July 2019 - Present
Indian Institute of Technology, Goa

Member Of Technical Staff

June 2016 - July 2019
Oracle India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore



We lift metrics over words to metrics over word-to-word transductions, by defining the distance between two transductions as the supremum of the distances of their respective outputs over all inputs. This allows to compare transducers beyond equivalence. Two transducers are close (resp. k-close) with respect to a metric if their distance is finite (resp. at most k). Over integer-valued metrics computing the distance between transducers is equivalent to deciding the closeness and k-closeness problems. For common integer-valued edit distances such as, Hamming, transposition, conjugacy and Levenshtein family of distances, we show that the closeness and the k-closeness problems are decidable for functional transducers. Hence, the distance with respect to these metrics is also computable. Finally, we relate the notion of distance between functions to the notions of diameter of a relation and index of a relation in another. We show that computing edit distance between functional transducers is equivalent to computing diameter of a rational relation and both are a specific instance of the index problem of rational relations. This is a joint work with C.Aiswarya (CMI) and Amaldev Manuel (IIT Goa).


A relation on the free monoid is conjugate if each pair of words in the relation is conjugate, i.e., cyclic shifts of each other. We show that checking whether a rational relation is conjugate is decidable. This extended abstract outlines the proof of this fact. A result of independent interest is a generalisation of the classical Lyndon-Schützenberger theorem from word combinatorics that equates conjugacy of a pair of words (u, v) and the existence of a word z (called a witness) such that uz=zv. This is a joint work with C. Aiswarya (CMI) and Amaldev Manuel (IIT Goa).

Recorded Talks


Given a metric over words, define the distance between two transducers with identical domain as the supremum of the distances of their respective outputs over all inputs. This is a useful generalisation for comparing transducers that goes beyond the equivalence problem. Two transducers are said to be close (resp. k-close) if their distance is bounded (resp. at most k). We will discuss the decidability of the problem that asks whether two given transducers are close (resp. k-close), for common edit distances. This is a joint work with C.Aiswarya (CMI) and Amaldev Manuel (IIT Goa).


For a metric over words, we define the distance between two transducers with identical domain as the supremum of the distances of their respective outputs over all inputs. We argue that this is a useful generalisation for comparing transducers that goes beyond the equivalence problem. Two transducers are said to be \emph{close} (\textit{resp.} $k$-close) with respect to a metric if their distance is bounded (\textit{resp.} at most $k$). Computing distance between transducers is equivalent to deciding closeness and $k$-closeness, over integer-valued metrics. We show that closeness and $k$-closeness are decidable for rational transducers w.r.t.~common edit distances. Hence the distances with respect to them are also computable. The proof relies on a generalisation of theorems of Lyndon-Sch\"utzenberger from combinatorics of words. Stated concisely, the theorem reads that a sumfree (generated by an regular expression free of unions) set of pairs is conjugate if and only if there is a word witnessing the conjugacy of all the pairs.An interesting corollary of our results is that it can decided if the outputs of two sequential or rational transducers are conjugates for all inputs.


An android application for text recognition and text to speech conversion

Mini version of Akinator Game

Teaching Assistance

Theory of Computation
Spring 2022, Spring 2023
Programming Language Paradigms
Autumn 2021, Autumn 2022, Autumn 2023
Algorithm Designs
Spring 2021
Software Tools
Spring 2021
Logic in Computer Science
Autumn 2020